About Author Ben DeLong

Author Ben DeLong

Author of Becoming Home and There’s a God In My Closet.

I grew up in Northern Iowa where my father was a pastor. My parents and my three sisters have been a huge support and encouragement to me. The winters in Iowa were brutally cold. I have lived in Northern California for almost 10 years now. Somehow, my body has acclimated and I think it’s freezing when it’s forty degrees out now!

I went to college outside of Kansas City to study ministry, and followed that by attending a nearby seminary. I eventually became a pastor myself for five years before realizing it was a coping mechanism to deal with childhood pain. I gave up pastoral ministry to focus on becoming an author.

I met my amazing wife Irene in college. We got married after our junior year and have been together for over 16 years. She is a native Californian and has been such an incredible blessing in my life. We live with our wonderful son Michael in northern California.

I am a huge Star Wars geek. I love the movies, the shows, the novels, everything. My wife buys me the best Star Wars t-shirts. Unlike many fans, I actually enjoyed the prequels, particularly Episode I.

I am also obsessed with the show The Office. The show is brilliant. One of my favorite lines from Michael Scott is, “I’m an early bird and a night owl. So I’m wise and I have worms.” 

I was the lead singer and songwriter for an alternative rock band for three years with a couple great friends. We mostly played at battle of the bands and birthday parties, but it was a blast.

My dad gave me a love for sports. I found a group of guys to play basketball with in the mornings before work. My dad and I pick football games with each other every year, and I usually play fantasy football, along with sports-themed video games. I also play video games with my son, many of which I don’t understand at all, but he enjoys them:)

I love writing about the inner journey, and helping people move forward on their journey toward healing and self acceptance. I hope you find some inspiration for your own journey here. Thanks for stopping by!